Saturday, October 30, 2021

Women and Story Circle Network

They are the nicest bunch of women, my Story Circle Network compatriots. Strong and intelligent, creative and compassionate, I am a member of this group and you all are welcome to join.

I have been a member for the past ten years, striving to be a writer and hopefully gaining sharper abilities and more intrigue within my essays and poems as the years get flipped on spiral rung calendars.

Some of my submissions have been published in their journals, some have been rejected, but my spirit is seldom dampened as another opportunity avails itself within the group. I just discovered their blog and several familiar names are submitting in that area. I shall consider that option now.

Check it out, join up with this league of women writers and take a class or two. I am counting my online classes that I have taken with SCN and there have been many. Most classes are filed away in manila folders with the appropriate writings done at that time, but some are in journals and/or notebooks. I'm still looking....

I just finished my fourth Writing for Twenty Minutes Class and once again, I didn't want it to end.  One of my classmates is attempting to keep a small group going - writing to one another and maybe even a zoom get-together. I hope to join. I hope it continues to be as motivating as writing every day has been.

Story Circle Network — Women Writers & Writing Resources

Sunday, October 24, 2021

This is a test! I am going to post twice a week and hope I garner a following - it takes know-how and wherewithal, all of which I am a bit negligent.

However, I just finished a 20 Minute/Day writing class and will share some of my favorite posts from that experience.

Let's give it a try. 

I'm off to play with blogspot a bit, playing with fonts right now.

As you know, I am a Word Press drop-out and invested several hundred dollars to do it "right" with that site!

Feeling successful with this site,


(Early Sunday in Texas, 10/24/2021)

Tapestry Turmoil

Tapestry Turmoil and Solution Sought with Many Cliches! What to do?  What to say?  I am discouraged and dismayed that this weaving project i...