Tuesday, February 22, 2022

the enabling kitchen sink


the enabling kitchen sink


don’t take it for granted as you

become familiar with growing older.

take time to focus

                        to realize

                                 to witness

you have been here before, you will

be here after the plates clunk

one upon another in the cupboard

be here after the cups clink

one upon another in the cupboard

after the dishwasher is tucked back under

the counter, its familiar trays clatter as

one scoots above the other


the counter swiped down one more time

with your favorite maroon dishcloth

what does a favorite dishcloth reveal

about one whose hands have been

washing dishes two thirds of a century?


(Bonnie's since 1918) basil leaves over the sink

the new herb on the windowsill of a window

that doesn’t open, no lock to unlatch, yet the window

grants you freedom to reach into a canyon as


oaks rustle

         silence rushes

                  cypress waves

their unwanted branches nudging you to

“stay alert!” there is more here than meets

your eye peering deep for

deer Dog Ava hears and smells.




 don’t act as if you are alone. you are never alone

the elements of nature crowd out your singleness.

              *           *            *

(Inspired by David Whyte’s poem, Everything is Waiting For You)

Joan Connor 02/17/2021



 From the prompt:    Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity.

 Whyte_Everything-is-Waiting-for-You.pdf (aspeninstitute.org)




Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Agape Haus Fairy Tale


                     THE AGAPE HAUS FAIRY TALE - PART 1


This is a story of love, of finding and aspiring to become whatever you desire as you age, your body crumbles and your mind becomes more alert!

You will be warned throughout to enter at your own risk as the various houses appear, disappear, the choices remain and are then erased, the real and imaginary options of becoming.


                           *              *                 *


Once upon a very recent time there was a haus of unconditional love, the agape house, in a small town in central Texas. People of all ages, shapes, sizes and genders entered this haus. Some say they still do.


The girl that greets you as you park on the street is child-like, emitting a sense of mystery, happy mystery, contented mystery, eager mystery.

There is much for the eye to enjoy, to amuse oneself with bottles and birdhouses, welcoming barricades, dishes used for decor and delineation, dishes not used at all.

‘Tis a candy store of sorts, appreciated by collectors and connoisseurs of all things collectible and all things reusable and just all things remarkable.







The beautiful door invites with its comfortable wreath. It’s a door to mystery where the girl lives, the girl in the window, the girl who keeps all evil away.

You enter at your own risk, of course, but you cannot resist. You sense that the stories told by the inhabitants may keep you forever.

An angel beckons …… will you answer the invite?

(to be continued...............one day in a strange way)



Word Salad

I have an appetite for words. I like thinking about words and their dressed up appearances. I like arranging letters on my scrabble board, s...