Friday, March 29, 2024

Gardening with Joan

Gardening with Joan

Response to Maya Stein’s Tri-Writing prompt - Give yourself three compliments!

I just completed seven weeks of Master Gardening classes. Amazing programs and field trips!

Graduation coming next week!

Your gratefulness is real and will propagate.

Your willingness to learn will be fertilized.

Your desire to serve will blossom.

Friday, March 15, 2024



any morning

she rises, shuffles

to the kitchen

bridging into a new day

the remote clicks 

crossing into classes 

a conundrum of voices

oh, the sacred bridge

willing hands extend to

accept peace here there


amen AMeN

amen アーメン


Jconnor 03/15/24


Tapestry Turmoil

Tapestry Turmoil and Solution Sought with Many Cliches! What to do?  What to say?  I am discouraged and dismayed that this weaving project i...