Wednesday, March 30, 2022

NaPoWriMo 2022

                                                               NaPoWriMo 2021 Button with white background

Read all about it! 

Below is a paragraph explaining what is happening and how I will be participating:

How does it work? Simple — just write a poem every day from April 1 to April 30. If you’ll be 

posting your efforts to a blog or other internet space this year, you can submit the link using our 

“Submit Your Site” form, and your website will show up in our “Participants’ Sites” list.

Prompts are given daily at NaPoWriMo  

Here is another paragraph from the site:

As in prior years, we’ll be posting an optional daily prompt to help you get inspired, as well as 

featuring a different participant each day. This year, we’ll also be featuring a different online 

poetry magazine each day, with the hopes that you’ll be able to discover new poems and poets 

that you like, and perhaps even identify some good places to submit your own work.

Let's "poet" together!

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