Monday, April 25, 2022

NaPoWriMo #25


                                                                 The Lady of Schemes

There once was a Lady of Kerrville

Who came to town with a strong will

To take her pen to town

But then her music went down

And her piano playing was at a standstill.

There once was an Elderly Lady

Who thought that she just maybe

Would acquire a degree

To add to her three

And pursue musicology.

There once was a Woman of Dreams

Who fantasized within means

To accomplish once more

Yet who’s keeping score?

Studying cultures abroad she schemes.


Friday, April 22, 2022

NaPoWriMo #22

 Today, our fifth anniversary, is celebrated with the following poem I scripted this early morning:

what game shall we play today?

to revere our five years ~

two souls who met by chance

alas, one keeps searching to be free

not of her partner, oh, no, no, no!

not of her marriage, smitten she is!

free of routine, those daily tasks

that bind her in interests that never last.

what game shall we indulge ourselves


a playful sort of way?

take this day, its relevance and delight

one another with

commitment, connectivity, coupled

we thank our God for

His myriad of gifts, reassurances,

as we play our game today.



NaPoWriMo #21

 NaPoWriMo #21

Using a cinquain graphic organizer specifying adjectives, "ing" words, phrase, last line synonymous with first line, I completed the following structured poem using prompt #21:

This prompt asks you to write a poem in which you first recall someone you used to know closely but are no longer in touch with, then a job you used to have but no longer do, and then a piece of art that you saw once and that has stuck with you over time. Finally, close the poem with an unanswerable question.



supportive timely

wishing reminiscing

two-way communication nonexistent




unfortunate, mislead

challenging, misfitting, provoking

position unappreciated, disrespected




balanced, textural

creating, learning, freeing

desire to understand



Why do people allow their age to determine their actions and their goals?


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

NaPoWriMo #20

bread pudding banter

crusts, dried out pieces of bun

leftover bread stuffing 

one chunk of white bread  

moldy crust cut off. 

recycling event happening today

rejoice in your rejuvenation, dear

friends in the bread pudding rendezvous!

is it sacrilegious to call it

the bread resurrection event?

each dried out morsel will 

allow the milk to penetrate

and transform its crustiness into

an edible delectable

the dates are dancing to be 

included with a few raisins, those

dried up withered fellas that become 

plump as the party commences

exposed to the eggs and cinnamon

nutmeg and sugar - attention ingredients!

how many of you eggs want to be

beaten into this meeting?

“custard, make it like a custard,” the 

bread bellows, the spices squawk,

the sugar discerningly decides when

“enough is enough.” 

the camaraderie of characters join

together in 350 degrees

working their synchronicity 

to please.

joanconnor 04/20/2022

Sunday, April 17, 2022

An Easter Cinquain


  An Easter Cinquain  


    a faith to share

    Easter morn awakened

   i am resurrected my way

   in prayer

Friday, April 15, 2022

NaPoWriMo #14 undoing


i am

Indifferent to

most needlecrafts

maybe not all

i purchased embroidery

possibly joining

the ladies, very interested in

the vintage travel trailer design

no interest in 

the gathering

i divert my ears

as you talk

of crocheting 



when i get old older oldest

i shall appreciate 

your needlework

i have none

once i wanted to tat

a very long time ago

that was that

now i hear there is

needle tatting - 

much easier - wonder

how easy - indifferent

however curious

i have small and smaller

weaving looms sitting 

on the closet shelf

wonder if i will learn that

like i didn’t learn to tat

or crochet

               or knit

                        or quilt

i keep holding

a pen or tap

      computer keys


the undone as i do

Thursday, April 14, 2022

NaPoWriMo #13


the amazing disappearing dollar

i opened the windows 

the money took wings

i had a substantial amount saved

this month i withdrew it all

and then some……

it’s april 2022 - my tax bill is paid

the fence man started and finished in four days

            a very extensive cyclone fence required

to acquire house insurance

my windows are still open

the money still nesting in the

            insurance coffers then

the dermatologist radiated

            copay was hundreds.

may brings may baskets and 

it is amazing, truly a may basket

being refilled as

social security and pension money

begins to rebuild


               by increment 

                                   and i?

i am shutting my windows to 

keep those dollars from fluttering out 

my nest egg needs rebuilding



Tuesday, April 12, 2022

NaPoWriMo #12


A Tanka of Tiny Frets

one small ukulele

its player tormented

an instrumental challenge

such tiny frets for

four untrained fingers

NaPoWriMo #11

 I just learned about a new form of writing (Korean)…. thanks for reading a first attempt.

Sijo about something large -

It’s immense! Continuing down a canyon of cedar trees

One perched home with miles of green flowing into the neighbors’ plots

Enveloped! Cement surrounds, keeping in place a country house.

joanconnor 04/11/2022

guide to sijo | sejong writing competition (


Saturday, April 9, 2022

NaPoWriMo #9


my future

evoked to recall my first dwelling  

my only connection now is            

the cemetery ⇢ a mile                    

from town as mom and dad    

rest in peace and i                        

well-aware that                             

my ashes                                      



The prompt was to write a nonet with nine lines beginning with nine syllables. Then each line diminishes by one in its syllabic count.

joanconnor 04/09/2022              

Friday, April 8, 2022

NaPoWriMo Day #7



Prompt from the website:

Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that argues against, or somehow questions, a proverb or saying.

                                                            legacy of the wise

                  (“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.” says Francis Bacon)



and the other half? the other half must be knowledge

as we are intellectually tasked, we listen as others 

respond to our questions, they - saturated with wisdom

we seek wisdom

then death approaches

our prudent wisdom half cup becomes

the full cup of answers = knowledge 

the full cup of wisdom

we have questioned out

time to pour

our wisdom into

the next half-filled cup


joanconor 04/08/2022

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Day 6 NaPoWriMo


                                                            Two Times To

Two times I have chosen to travel on

Roads that take me away from the impact of

Diverged opinions regarding how my life

(In these final decades) should be lived.

A plan by others is only that, not my desire but gives me

Yellow check marks, warnings that the depth of my

Woods will only be known if I walk through, not to.

joanconnor 04/06/2022

Day 5 NaPoWriMo


The Arachnid Orchestra

The Arachnid Orchestra draws 

An attentive crowd

Its members display superb skill

It doesn’t take long to figure it out

One talent, three instruments

And leftover legs that will

Tap the beat and turn the page

The tarantula leads the way 

As she commands the cymbals

With a flourish she plays 

Violin, one clarinet and still has 

Two more legs to

Tap the beat and turn the page

Daddy long legs controls the timpani

Toots the flute and bows the viola

Couldn’t be prouder as he 

Keeps his cool and according to rule 

Has the necessary legs to

Tap the beat and turn the page

The pseudo scorpion proud to be

lead French hornist and cello master

the harp is near and she 

Plucks its strings and always has

Two extra legs that

Tap the beat and turn the page

The tick has his pick of the bass 

and trombone, always with ease he does

As he pleases on the snare drum

To the rhythm as his extra legs

Tap the beat and turn the page

So important the oboe pinched with

The black widow’s tight lips, a piano 

She adores, a xylophone she 

Explores as she still has legs

To tap the beat and turn the page

Lastly the tiny mite, important to all

A baton in each arm waving 

wildly to control

This group of ambidextrous

Multi contortionists all

Displaying great talents as

6 x 2 plus the director too

Taps the beat and turns the page

To perform for you onstage their

Concerto for Overachieving Arachnids

Joanconnor 04/06/2022

Word Salad

I have an appetite for words. I like thinking about words and their dressed up appearances. I like arranging letters on my scrabble board, s...