Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sunday Sanctuary

I am but a mere older woman seeking God's Way in this World of Much Uncertainty. Only a few find it, the Bible says. A few, although many seek, or do they? 

I am meditating this morning about a blog I follow. The woman who is about my age, maybe older, regards herself as an atheist. Why do I follow her? She writes about her life, her solitude, her enjoyment of nature, her delight in the simple things in life, her dog and often shares a painting. This all appeals to me. Seldom does she get political and/or religious in her postings. When she does vent in said manner,  I still follow her, even though her political leanings are not mine and most certainly her religion (Is atheism a religion?) is not what I choose. She evolved into this decision because of her experiences with organized religion and her treatment in the workplace subordinate to men. I understand all of this, every single syllable. Man's interpretation is not always God's meaning. 

The God I worship offers so much more than mankind's doctrine. My God's doctrine, although the Bible is puzzling to me at times, can be explained and illustrated as He leads me.

This morning's devotion includes the above familiar verse, one that I often just lope over. To slide into sinful greedy materialistic ways is easy. I do it frequently. However, it is more difficult to right my path, think of Jesus' teachings and follow His Way. It is challenging and not for the lazy and/or excuse-finding individual whom I often represent. 

I ponder the paths that I have followed 
                                               am following  
                                                   will be following in the future. 

Are the gates easy to open and walk through? If so, does that mean they are not God's Chosen Paths? It's very acceptable to have questions, to try and figure out options, our chosen paths and  purposeful plans.

One peek at this link gives an extended explanation. I have cut/pasted just a few sentences.

Sadly, the gate that is wide and the way that is broad is the one most people travel. That way leads to destruction. But because people go by appearances rather than by faith, there are many who enter through it. Conversely, few people find the narrow gate that leads to life.

May your Sunday be a blessing in your corner of the world.

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