Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Best Part of Retirement


I shall begin a stream of consciousness writing this moment at the computer. What do I mean by that?

I have no topic, no outline, no destination for this post. I am truly writing from my thoughts this cloudy day. I guess you could say I am writing "from the hip."

I am home all day today. There is a small group meeting at the church later this afternoon, but I am not 100% on board for attending. It's just something more to get ready for - I'm taking the day "off" and working in the backyard. "Day off" from what you may ask? I want to take the day and not do anything that I feel I have to do. There will be some accomplishments, especially since it doesn't appear that the weather is going to be too warm to work outside this afternoon.

I am shutting down most online commitments and classes. I still post twice a week with Underground Railroad and am looking forward to a class with Maya Stein. That is going to be the extent of the next few months. I am teaching a memoir class at the senior center now and following it with a journaling class. I must do extensive preparations for the latter as this is the first time I have taught journaling. I want it to be thrilling for all the participants. How do I gauge "thrilling?" If I am excited about the assignments and preparations then hopefully that anticipation will flow into others. 

In the meantime, I am gathering my collection of journaling books and beginning to seek guidance for a good syllabus. I will share in this blog my plans and the creative efforts of the participants.

My music seems to have taken a back seat to backyard duties and to my writing and Bible Study. Daily practicing on the fiddle should resume asap. Piano playing should also be a more frequent activity. It's not lack of hours in the day. It is motivation and getting out of the recliner. Sometimes I think that my age is really "catching up with me." However, I won't admit that! 

I am praising the Lord for this day of rest and relaxation!

Yes! Praise the Lord for being alive!

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