Saturday, January 7, 2023

"Whatever will be will be...."

Doris Day was my favorite movie start in the 50's. I had her paper dolls and even framed them as an adult. But alas, all that is hanging (I hope) in someone's antique store as I downsized big-time in 2014.

Here she is singing Que Sera Sera: Doris Day - Que Sera Sera - YouTube

Does it get any better than this? As Doris' gorgeous voice entertains in the background I shall tell you that I must develop this "whatever will be will be" attitude.

Yesterday Dave and I signed the papers to buy a home in Kerrville. We offered a few thousand less than the asking price so someone could easily bid over us and this is frequently common in the recent years. 

Do we need this home? Yes and No!! The home we are in is on unstable soil. We are filing a lawsuit. Can it be fixed? Yes, but the past 1 1/2 years has been stressful. I would like to sell this manufactured home on its beautiful piece of property (5 acres) with a dynamic view and move into Kerrville, into a neighbood and into a solid home.

1) What if we get the house? Then we shall sell this current home and move. (The  stability situation will be determined next week as a civil engineer is coming to assess our current property and home's structure.)

2) What 'if we do not get the house? We will continue to explore possibilities and stay here until further prospects emerge.

3) Will we fix this home? That all depends on the lawsuit settlement, the realtor's assessment and the possibility of selling the manufactured home to be moved and the property separately.

I am praying that we acquire this new-to-us home because I really like it. The backyard is exceptionally large and tiered and has incredible possibilities. However, I truly believe that as I place my request before the Lord, He will control the outcome. He will finalize the best option for me. My faith has never been questioned regarding His Delight is providing for me.

Sometimes I question why he would be concerned about such a trite matter in the scheme of life. This is a constant nagging in my thoughts and emotions. I am seeking The Word and reading to give myself comfort in accepting His Love and Concern. I seek to be "the sparrow" in "His Eye Is On the Sparrow."

His Eye Is on the Sparrow [Live] - YouTube

The home for sale is currently in probate. Our realtor says he has seen homes in probate sold within twenty days to one hundred days. This is a plus for us! We are not in a rush and can wait it out. It is also a negative as other offers have time to evolve. 

And so we wait and sing with Doris, "que sera sera." and give thanksgiving for the good fortunes He has given us.

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