Saturday, July 29, 2023


In my most recent post I wrote of being a multipotentialite. Perhaps ambivalency is a sub genre of that diagnosis. I waver between deciding the following:

As a lover of listmaking here is another list:

1) I am indeed ambivalent regarding the sale of my current travel trailer. It's 29', wonderful open floorplan, two very comfy recliners and plenty of storage. I paid $28k and the newest models are selling for as high as $39k. Mine is a 2021 model and I could ask as low as 26K and be happy. To sell or not to sell?

2) I am ambivalent regarding purchasing an Airstream. I very much want to own a small Bambi but Hubby is not keen on spending more than two nights in it. See how that would curtail our travels? However, I could join the clubs and caravans and have a really awesome time traveling and socializing with other Airstreamers. Mom and Dad did just that and I am inclined to follow in their footsteps. Not all bad, eh?

3) I am ambivalent regarding my recent membership in the weaving school. Do I have time? Should I stay in it? I am quite sure that once I begin weaving it is going to be my happy-go-to-hobby, next to my fiddle and piano, that is. I can unjoin in a couple weeks, but spending $19/month for a few months won't be too big of a debt.

4) I am ambivalent regarding how much gardening I should tackle. This hobby will probably work itself out as I spend a couple hours each morning before it gets too hot. I need to start small with one or two beds and/or backyard areas and proceed from there. Just take it bit by bit and poof (!!), blooms will delight all visitors to my yard, birds, butterflies, hummers and more, I hope.

5) I am ambivalent regarding my piano. Strangely, I am entertaining the act of returning to piano lessons. Shhh - don't tell. I know it would be another commitment but oh, such joy in accomplishing difficult classical music with a teacher that knows more than I. This is a secret thought and probably will not come to fruition. Shhhh.....

6) I am ambivalent about signing up with Story Circle Network to become a book reviewer. This offering is available to all members and I am truly interested, not only in reading the free new books that women have written, but then creating wonderful reviews. The latter takes practice and knowledge. I would enjoy the challenge.

Maybe tomorrow morning I will list activities I am NOT ambivalent about....just a thought!

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