Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Projecting a Project in 2023
Monday, December 26, 2022
Inspired by Ada
Ada Limon - the 24th poet laureate of the United States. About — ADA LIMÓN (adalimon.net)
I have not read much of her poetry. My prompt today centers about her poem, "Before."It's lovely!
And so I write without stopping, fifteen minutes and share with you my "wild writing."
Here I go..................
Before I married Dave I was lonely and hanging with men who did not respect me.
Thank goodness I only hung with them, uncommitted.
Before I connected with this wonderful and gentle man I was seeking friends in low places.
My self esteem was not what it should have been.
Before I moved to this home in Texas we lived in N. Mexico and Idaho.
Those homes no longer belong to me, to us.
I wish this home did not belong to us. We are worried.
The evidence is that the foundation is not on compacted soil.
Dave has been saying this repeatedly for the past 1 1/2 years.
I didn't want to believe him.
Before I purchased this home we were living in a townhome.
That home no longer belongs to us.
I have made excellent decisions in real estate and then several mistakes. This was a mistake.
I have made money in real estate and lost money.
Before we go to court regarding the condition of this home we are hoping the person who installed it incorrectly will buy it back.
Before the lawyers handle the case we are hoping one or two letters will cause the installer to rethink his decision and buy the home from us.
Before this task develops further we are quite certain that we will be moving.
Before I take the installer of this manufactured home to court I am now praying for a miracle.
Before I reread this rant I must tell you that this is not a poem. This is a collage of feelings and frustrations, simple words, and an image.
Before I post this I must tell you that I believe writing heals and writing helps to see clearer and writing is freeing and all can write. I am rattling, writing wild. It helps me express what is going on inside caused by what is happening on the outside.
Before my fifteen minutes concludes I wish I could write one small tanka. I shall quickly type the five lines with the middle line being a pivot.
as cracks appear and
the skirting separates
a home on sinking sand
worries become magnified
evidence is building
Thanks for listening!
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Appealing Art to Guide Me!
She trumpets, She surrounds with joy, She is my kind of gal.
Now I need a bit of guidance, dear Lord and Angel-Muse:
I love this type of artwork. I love the whimsicalness, the brightness, the story being told, the lines taking me off the page. I am art illiterate, but I do know that this appeals to me.
What shall I do with all my shouldas? Should I write? Should I paint? Should I begin my weaving with a loom that has been shelved for years?
I will complete the bookmobile and I will successfully give away books to children. Will that take all my days, my energy?
I will play the fiddle and progress slowly with my continued lessons.
I will always play the piano, for my own enjoyment and therapy.
I will study my Bible, acquaint myself with my angels that somedays are quite whimsical and humorous, challenging me to sort it out, Joan and be thankful, very thankful for increasingly good health and the possibilities of many joyous moments.
Thank-you, Jesus!
Saturday, December 17, 2022
On the Beach!
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Ramblings While Writing
I have been involved with several writing courses that illuminate poetry as prompts, as jumping off points for journaling wordplay. I really enjoy using poetry as prompts and have been writing numerous essays that incorporate poetry phrases. I like to think of it as poetry therapy which I think it is!
Laurie Wagner's class is one example of utilizing poetry. We are to write without any critical judgment, just “keep the pen on the paper,” Laurie says. I have mentioned this in an earlier blog.
Today's prompt was from Ellen Bass’ “Cold,” short prose poem, very understandable.
Specifically, Laurie pulled out “every frailty, every pain could be an opening….”
but I really liked Bass’ final line, “How can I remember this when I’m old and need so much?”
And now to ramble:
Wow! That line spoke to me with quite a jolt. Just yesterday I was commiserating how much I don’t
recall from my previous lives. You know, like my life married to Previous Spouse. I actually
verbalized to my current husband that I can’t recall Previous Spouse ever saying, “I love you.”
Of course he did??? I wondered what it sounded like. I can’t even remember his voice,
let alone those specific words.
We forget. And do I “need so much?”
I am quite sure I need to be nudged when saying inconsiderate thoughts.
I am quite sure I should be nudged when thoughts emerge through my verbalizations that should be
kept to myself.
But as the “getting older” becomes the reality I really try to not need so much.
I just need affirmation that I am not alone in feeling useless.
I just need affirmation that I will not allow myself to indulge in loneliness.
I just need to know that I can be forgiven for my frailties.
And so I muddle through another day, another month, another few months with ideas exploding in my head to do this, jump into this, spread your wings here…..and there…..and take off on a new adventure.
I put on the brakes and just write about it. Writing helps me sort out the inconsistencies in my life and in my actions and definitely in my accomplishments.
Stick with
what makes you love to get up in the mornings,
what makes you passionate,
what creates exhilaration in your days, your months and your years.
* * * * *
Pursue your goals gently, Joan. They may not be as unreachable as you think.
You know that old saying, “If you can dream it, you can do it!”
Friday, December 2, 2022
First Friday Muses
It's the first Friday in December, I am going to post the first Friday of each month a reflection, some thoughts and sharings.
A decision was made for me with my approval! My memoir writing class at Dietert Senior Center has moved to Tuesdays in March instead of Thursdays. That allows me to join the Bible Study Fellowship group that meets locally here in Kerrville, TX. on Thursday mornings.I have applied to the local group and sent my resignation letter to the online zoom leader with whom I have been studying.
The online BSF ladies group of 70+ in age has not been my comfort zone. I seldom, if ever, joined in the discussion, but perched in front of the computer and allowed my face to be in a square on zoomland. Sometimes, not always, I had my lessons completed.
My relationship with BSF goes back to the 1960's when my little children attended with me. Yes, that is a long time ago. Then we moved, and moved again and I dropped out and returned in 2015. Again I dropped out because I kept falling asleep during the evening lecture as I was teaching full time in Idaho.
I am looking forward to being a part of BSF here in Kerrville where I will meet Christian women and enjoy the togetherness meeting in person allows. It just wasn't cozy in those zoom squares and non participation is not my norm. I know the motivation to complete the weekly lessons will be greater when I am meeting in real time.
Moving to reflection #2. My hubby and I are tired of driving for holiday dinners to my daughter's home in Austin. We enjoy immensely being there, eating their delicious foods, sharing dog language with each animal present and just relaxing. However, I think it is my turn to host. This Christmas our home is open for all who would like to share the holiday meal and time together. And so the invites are going out to children in Texas and maybe a few others in the area. Put a spiral cut ham in the oven and concoct a few side dishes.....what's so hard about that?
Come over and have some Christmas wassail with us.
Tapestry Turmoil
Tapestry Turmoil and Solution Sought with Many Cliches! What to do? What to say? I am discouraged and dismayed that this weaving project i...

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