Friday, April 21, 2023

Belief in Five Tankas

 Belief (in five tankas)

?why bother

to believe

the skeletal trees 

will leaf 


?why bother 

to believe

a buried bulb

will display

its promised vermilion

?why bother 

to believe 

the treveling tension

transforms into a

necessary process

.as you seek

delve desire demand

the logical explanation 

heightens your


?she asks 

why bother 

to believe


she is not



Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Acrostic Poem to NaPoWriMo Prompt #18

(acrostical discovery this week)

aligning in Lamentations


acrostically 22 letters.

believing in no




each verse

evolves as i

endeavor to

finalize my  


Hebrews homework



Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Living Gratefully


                                                 Join the Grateful Living Community Today!

Truly I am desiring to enlarge my gratefulness!

This is the day, another day, that the Lord has made!

I am grateful, thankful, appreciative and almost awestruck at the possibilities of one's life.

Random thoughts composing a post that travels from fingertips connected to my spirit.

And so I type spontaneously and share transparently, seeking words that make common sense.

It is I, only one person, one simple-minded Seeker that yearns to be a disciple, waffling in direction.

I muddle and attempt to maintain a focus of freedom and fellowship.

Understanding seems to lately come from reading the Bible. 

I am far from ashamed of placing my hopes and future in The Word. 

Elation would describe these newfound joys.

Today's quote from the grateful living site:

From our first breath to our last, awe moves us to deepen our relations with the wonders of life and to marvel at the vast mysteries that are part of our fleeting time here, guided by this most human of emotions.


Sunday, April 16, 2023

a sunday's prayer


a sunday’s prayer

it is not what it appears

to be all peaceful inside

myself, the home 

tension builds within as

expenses are monitored 

resources depleted

to buy another home.

to move again

unintended, disrupting




this next house

the keeper home

it’s best to be last.

my faith doesn’t waver

most of the time

i focus on what God has

done for me instead of

what i have not done for Him.

and so it is not as it appears 

ever, never

for me and probably for you 

i try to overcome 


wrong decisions 

spontaneous choices

i wonder how i missed 

God’s nudge…………


The above poem was written as a response to NaPoWriMo's Day #16 prompt:

And now, without further ado, our optional daily prompt, once again pulled from our archives. Today’s prompt is a poem of negation – yes (or maybe, no), I challenge you to write a poem that involves describing something in terms of what it is not, or not like. For example, if you chose a whale as the topic of your poem, you might have lines like “It does not settle down in trees at night cooing/Nor will it fit in your hand.”         NaPoWriMo

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Responding to NaPoWriMo Prompt #13


I just couldn't resist! The prompt today is: 

Now, try writing a short poem (or a few, if you’re inspired) that follows the beats of a classic joke. Emphasize the interplay between the form of the poem – such as the line breaks – and the punchline.

Don't know if this is what is expected but I had fun - what a great way to start a great day!


knock knock

why ask who’s

there is not 

going to be 

a punchline…. 

i’ve installed a 



the pun scores as  

words topple through

verbal coincidences


      *      *       *

my music nudges 






Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Poetry Each Day

I am currently participating in NaPoWriMo for the month of April. NaPoWriMo

I try to participate every day but have missed a few days along the way. I hope to play "catch-up."

Yesterday's Prompt #10 was to write a sea chanty. As I peruse what a sea chanty is I discover that it should tell a story. So Ahoy Mate - here is my attempt:

Kayak Chanty

Bought a kayak to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Bought an inflatable kayak to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Bought an inflatable kayak to take the dog to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Used the kayak one time to float one lake

Ahoy mate ahoy 

Used the kayak dog invited one time to float one lake

Ahoy mate ahoy

Used the kayak sans dog one time to float one  lake

Ahoy mate ahoy

Bought a home near the Guadalupe to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Beside the home near the Guadalupe rests an orange kayak to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Asked the homeowner near the Guadalupe to leave the orange kayak to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Now there are two kayaks to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Now there are two kayaks to share to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy

Now I shall invite friends to share to float the river

Ahoy mate ahoy


Monday, April 10, 2023

Day After Resurrection Day

It is the day following Easter Sunday 2023 - I apologize for not touching base with you on a most blessed day in the Christian calendar.  And such a blessing it was ........ to be back in church! We attended the Hunt Methodist church, Hunt, Texas, We will be moving to that community the end of this May.

It was a wonderful worshipping experience and the music, the sermon, the physical church was beautiful and we plan to return.  My desire to be a part of a community is unfolding. Thank-you, Jesus!

To celebrate His Resurrection, His Salvation and His Loving Kindness in All situations I give you the following poem. I am currently, this month of April, celebrating poetry by participating in NaPoWriMo. This poem was written in response to a prompt that required twenty steps. I never made it past the first step seeking a metaphor.

Metaphorically Mesmerized

I went down a rabbit hole looking for a metaphor

and never found my way out, I shout


The number one item on prompt’s #8 list

I tackled with vengeance, trusting 

it wouldn’t take long, then found 

The Song.

I listened on YouTube to variations in verse

searching for the buried metaphors

I decided to immerse

myself in Hallelujah, its connotations,

variations, Cohen’s lyrics and voice as

hours passed, still down there

loving every upload, every interpretation

I finally threw in the towel, woke up  

this morning ….singing Hallelujah!!



And for your listening pleasure:

Andrea Bocelli - Hallelujah (Live at Teatro Regio di Parma) - YouTube

An Easter Hallelujah - Cassandra Star with background video - YouTube


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Bringing You and Me Up To Date

 Good Morning!

What a whirlwind this past few weeks have been......

We signed a contract on a home in Ingram! It is not listed as we bought it from the owner within one week. I shall write more about the home after the deal is completed.

We listed our home here in Kerrville. Check it out: 178 Madrona Dr, Kerrville, TX 78028 | MLS #108575 | Zillow

I finished all writing courses. My only responsibility this week and next is the memoir writing class at the senior center which I am facilitating.

We are readying the Transcend travel trailer to spend a few days at the Llano Fiddle Festival.

Llano  Fiddle  Fest - Home (

I am practicing my fiddle daily.

I wish I spent more time practicing my piano.

We celebrated Dave's 96th (!!!) birthday party on March 23rd with a few friends here in the home for a couple hours.

We are packing/cleaning closets/taking some items to Salvation Army/going through stuff.

We are relaxing and reading.

Life is good!

Tapestry Turmoil

Tapestry Turmoil and Solution Sought with Many Cliches! What to do?  What to say?  I am discouraged and dismayed that this weaving project i...