Saturday, January 20, 2024

Feeding the Birds

Remember National Bird DayJanuary 5th and my resulting trip to the Wildbirds Unlimited store?

I purchased one bird feeder and suet and they gave me a free small bag of food. I felt it was spendy, but what can I say! It’s for the birds!!

I did learn that my new feeder could be hung six feet from the window by the recliners where, as you might expect, hours are being spent these cold days. Actually I have since seen bird feeders that suction to windows, so obviously they come closer to the house than I realized.

I gathered the bird feeders that weren’t being used and lined the edge of the patio with them. Last count I now have two feeders in the trees beyond the backyard and five feeders out the back window. 

There are two cheap models that have no canopy on them so if it rains the seed gets wet. They are under the roof. The spendy one from Wildbirds is front and center. I have a yellow tubular feeder designed for finches filled with thistle seed. And then my most recent acquisition is a green metal  feeder found yesterday on sale at Walmart. It is designed for mealworms and//or peanuts depending on how I slide the whatchamacallit up or down. 

The various seeds from the spendy store and wally world are to attract the myriad of birds that I have yet to identify. I know cardinals and red wing blackbirds, maybe a chickadee or a nuthatch, a finch and the many doves that eat the seeds I spilled on the ground under the trees. Out come the bird identifying books this coming week. The various bags of food I purchased have big seeds, little seeds and a mixture for songbirds. My research is rather sloppy since I don’t remember exactly what food I put in what feeder.

I hope they all tweet their buddies about the bird buffet in Bumblebee Hills.

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