Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Oxymoron of the Day: Barefoot Shoes


Oxymoron of the Day: Barefoot Shoes

I love to go barefoot. I was not aware of its benefits. I just have ugly feet, deformed toes, thick toenails….aarrrggghhh! I do not go for a pedicure anymore. I am quite sure that my feet would be discussed and these feet are very sensitive, not sensitive to physical distress, but sensitive to being discussed in any form or fashion.

Speaking of form and fashion, the form of my bunion-riddled feet is crooked and my shoe fashion is Birkenstocks. However, I google “barefoot shoes” and am intrigued with their potential, also Zero shoes, almost another oxymoron.

So I would like to promote barefoot strolling around the yard, house, anywhere one can get away with it - definitely the beach,  Aaaahhhhh, plodding through the sand is so exhilarating to me, close to water’s edge where crooked toes leave footprints that are soon washed into eternity.

I was introduced to “grounding” in a writing class last session. 

Grounding, also known as earthing, is a therapeutic technique based on the belief that, by allowing our skin to come into direct contact with the earth (be it dirt, rock, the sea or river water), we are literally ‘grounding’ ourselves – electrically reconnecting with the earth by soaking up its negative charge, to help us rebalance

What is grounding? Health benefits, risks and evidence explained (netdoctor.co.uk)

I love this concept. It is suggested that one walk in the grass for 30 minutes daily. I think about that possibility and wish my lawn was like the soft beautiful green patches of grass that I grew up with in Iowa.

Quickly I will list the other benefits of going barefoot. You won’t be surprised.

  1. Reconnect with the earth

  2. Improvement in balance

  3. Eliminate pain through proprioception (body awareness)

  4. Better foot mechanics which improves hips and knees

  5. Maintain appropriate range of motion

  6. Relief from improper shoes which is what caused my bunions, hammertoes, etc. to begin with!

  7. Strong leg muscles, therefore better lower back support

  8. Also grounding barefoot can reduce inflammation and improve sleep

I paraphrased the above from various sites. Of course walking barefoot for 30 minutes has additional advantages as weight loss, releasing endorphins and all those medical reasons one should be walking, walking, walking.

No need to surf the web for barefoot shoes. I already own one pair of bare feet!

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