Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Hobby - Almost New Year!

Blessings to All this New Year's Eve 2023! 

Another year is about to come to an end and yes, I am ready to start yet another new hobby, a new chapter in keeping busy and learning, always learning!

Weaving is my focus for the next month and I just warped my first loom according to Rebecca Mezloff's video "Weaving Tapestry on Little Looms." Of course I have ordered numerous books, but am following videos and using the books for additional resources and motivation. Where am I headed with this? Great question and I have no big goals nor productive plans. I just want to weave, use color, enjoy the dexterity of threading the yarn in and out, design a product eventually and yes, hang it on my wall. 

I have indulged in purchasing second-hand a medium sized tapestry loom and also Rebecca's complete set of videos. I think of this as my upteen master's degree without the certificate, but plenty of weavings to show off my efforts.

What are you doing in 2024 for "extra credit?" What are your plans? Nothing is too challenging because one can always approach the projects in increments. That is my plan.....maybe the bigger loom is a bit rushing the challenge - we'll see.


Let's touch base again tomorrow - poetry everyday and journaling as one feels the desire. 

Resolutions for 2024 are minimal this year. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

Dear Family & Friends,

 A last minute decision - type up the good news of 2023 and mail a quick letter to friends and family.

This I shall do….pronto….and include our new address:   PO Box 606,  Hunt,TX 78024


Hopefully, this is our last move knowing it’s truly the best yet. We sold our double wide on five acres, full disclosure. With the professional engineer's report in hand a couple bought the Madrona fiasco in May. The home was structurally unsound.

We moved into 100 Should Bee in Bumblebee Hills in May. It’s in a small development between Ingram and Hunt west of Kerrville on a half-acre lot bordered by a creek. Dave’s new John Deere garden tractor is being put to good use.

With only two weeks in our new-to-us home we traveled once again to North Idaho, Farragut State Park. This was my second year volunteering in the Junior Ranger program. We left Idaho mid-August for Texas, stopping in Boise to buy my dream machine, a 19’ Bambi Airstream. Since we were already towing the Transcend, we returned a few weeks later to Boise to hitch up the 2003 Bambi. After a short pause in Estes Park to see my brother and sister-in-law, we were very happy to see Should Bee. Our 30’ Transcend trailer is currently on the consignment lot.

Whew! Home and tired of collecting trailers and traversing the West, we have been spending the past few months putting our personal stamp on Should Bee and acknowledging God’s hand in the past year’s events. 

                                        *             *            *              *             * 

Dave is doing great. He has those 96 year-old aches for which we try to seek the best support. He stays in touch with family and we hope to see everyone in the northwest again this summer. However, since we have a smaller trailer, living in it for more than a few weeks is out of the question for him (no recliner). I  am hanging up my volunteer hat for any lengthy commitment. 

In simple words, we’re going to enjoy these final years without a definitive summer itinerary!

I became an octogenarian last week. Still overloading my activities, one of our favorites is taking our vintage bookmobile to the Saturday farmers’ market. It is a Little Free Library bookmobile for children and folks bring donations as well as select favorite books and puzzles.

I have a blog and post diary-like while trying to become more tech savvy with it.

Stay in touch and know our faith in Jesus keeps our emotions stable and feeds our desire to know Him better in these latter years. He is all we have, but who needs more, right?

May you be blessed this year with abundant joys and “the peace that passes ALL understanding.”

(......and just for my blog buddies)

joan and dave

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Gratitude Writing Class coming

I am in the process of developing a four-week writing class with the topic of  gratitude.

This class will be taught at the Dietert Senior Center, Kerrville, TX for the month of January 2024, Tuesdays from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m./

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a plethora of participants?

Perhaps I shall send a note to each of my previous writing cohorts that attended my classes at Dietert.

                                    *             *             *              *               *                 * 

I am also thinking about facilitating a West Kerr County Writers group in Ingram once a month, maybe at the local coffee shop.  Just thinking.... I could request a notice to be placed in the West Kerr Current newspaper, a small local paper that has been a delight to buy ($.50) and read.

What do you think about the possibilities of writing in real life with local folks?

Wish you all could join!💕

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Velveteen Rabbit - My Imagination


There are an amazing number of quotes that appeal to me from The Velveteen Rabbit.

And yes, my imagination often works overtime - bear with me!

1) imagining what I still could accomplish.....
2) imagining what probably is just a whim or fantasy
3) enjoying the limitless parameter of my imagination
4) imagining the delight that Grandma Moses felt as she achieved later in life
5) making real what I am imagining within my capabilities
6) making real what I am imagining that is not within my capabilities, so I think.
7) appoaching this octogenarian decade with hope and enthusiasm.....
8) imagining the "time reality" and making my choices

I am participating online with a group called Underground Railroad (Jill Badonsky).
A prompt this week is making a list and then writing, perhaps in litany style, about a subject on the list. I believe the above list is my first step - now to elaborate on one!


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Could Be Worse!

I love this book - it is my mantra! And today, my 80th birthday - well, it couldn't be better!
It is the best day!! The only "worse" part is that I am older and feeling a few more creaks and groans.
However, the choice is mine and I will take these 80 years, be most grateful and most excited about this my new decade. I am an octogenarian and so proud of it. 
I know! I still color my hair.
I haven't been exercising.
I do take my vitamins.
I am contemplating the bicycle commitment.
I can make it all happen!
In the meantime it could be so much worse.
Wish you all could celebrate with me.
As it is, I am celebrating with my Hubby Dave in Port Aransas, TX where the beach is three minutes away and the little Bambi Airstream is cozy and comfy here in the Magee RV park.
We're opening a bottle of wine and enjoying a shrimp ring and stuffed crab that we purchased at the local grocery. 
Life is good and it couldn't be better!

Happy Birthday to Everyone!


Sunday, December 10, 2023


 no writing about earthing, realigning my electrical energy and its benefits…….

iam too enthralled (committed) 

walking barefoot

thirty minutes in the grass

winged compassion

winged compassion
hovers, covers, flutters from
an opened window

I submitted the above in response to Maya Stein’s pictorial prompt, an opened window.
This has been a 4 week class where daily prompts are given and responses posted with limited interactions among the participants.
This type of class is pure candy for my writing appetite.
I use stock photos from the internet but should get my camera out and begin….again….with photographing the beauty around me.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Today's List!



  1.  Pay mortgage

  2.  Finish cleaning "my room" 

  3.  Hair appointment @ 2:00

Not so seriously!

  1.  Have a second cup of joe

  2.  Applaud Hubby's leaf blowing act

  3.  Appease addiction - pick up package at post office of thriftbooks

The above was my reponse to today's prompt from Maya Stein's tri-writing class which is absolutely delightful. It is supposed to be three lines and I ususally write a haiku, but this popped out of my fingers this early a.m. and I went with it.

Sometimes I download an image and include it. It is easy peasy to implement on the site she uses.

Check her offerings out - probably will continue with the tri-writing when she offers it again.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Separation Required

"separation required"

sunflower fences

appeasing the HOA

the natural way

I just posted the haiku below on my current thri-writing site. The prompt was "SEPARATE."

We had second visit from the HOA president's wife. She was inquiring as to our plans for fencing in our travel trailers. I have three on the property!

1. A delightful 1956 Jewel vintage trailer, almost ALL original that is in the backyard. It serves as my she shed although my son has chosen to sleep in it when visiting. It has a regular size comfy bed.

2, My recently acquired Aristream Bambi, 2003, 19' long and my dream mobile. It is the camping trailer I hope to use the rest of my life....downsized from a 30' travel trailer.

3. My vintage bookmobile, a Little Free Library travel trailer that we tow to the Kerrville Farmer's Market every Saturday. It is attractive inside and out with its MLF library plaque on the side.

According to the current HOA rules here in Bumblebee Hills subdivision, Ingram, TX., we are to have these trailers behind a 6' cedar fence approved by the architectural committee. 

When we purchased this home we were told that the HOA had been disbanded. We now have learned that "No, not disbanded, just unincorporated!" And what does that mean? Not sure, but some legal powers no longer are in place.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

Friday, November 17, 2023

Our First Rally!


commonality among strangers?

the airstream rally? 

this isn't’ rocket science! 

making friends because?

(she muses)

This was my contribution today to Maya Stein"s tri-writing prompt, "use 'this isn't rocket science or magic' in your three line response." I omitted the magic phrase because I was attempting the 5-7-5 syllabic haiku form.

* * * * * *

We are currently camped with a dozen or more Airstream travel trailers at a rally here in Fredericksburg, TX. This is our first outing since we bought and brought our 19' Bambi from Idaho in September.

The itinerary is flexible and so are we. Today we will eat with the group at the BBQ place we frequent since Fredericksburg is only 30 minutes from our home. Then tomorrow there is a planned Italian lunch with installation of officers and the rest of the day is ours to play as we desire. Home Sunday morning!

We are withholding our opinions of this kind of social gathering. RV rallys are very popular with all types of travel trailers and Airstreamers are very very active with get-togethers and caravans.

Time for more coffee before I take the dog to a very nice fenced in dog area. Yesterday Ava made friends and had a delightful romp. C;mon sunshine! Where are you?

Monday, October 30, 2023

Nature Journaling in the Classroom

I am currently teaching a journaling writing class at our stellar senior center. This week I have given “nature journaling” the front row seat. Without taking my adult students on a hike, I am bringing a touch of nature to our room. For each of the following prompts I have a visual or a few sprigs displayed in small bottles.

Roots: As you ponder the roots in your life, what images emerge? What words do you associate with roots?

Wildflowers: What wild ideas would you like to scatter and then patiently anticipate their blooming?

Bulbs: What memory, wish or desire would you like to bury, knowing that in a certain amount of time it would miraculously emerge as a beautiful happening?

Snapdragons: What monster dragon in your life needs to be snapped or severed?

Mums: If mums the word, what topics will you never write about?

We will also be discussing clustering, a journaling technique that is also called mind mapping. Word associations occur as one word leads thoughts to another to another to another. I am presenting a small bouquet in a salad dressing bottle (label included) that can prompt spontaneous word plays that will lead to writing a 5 minute sprint on a discovered theme. 

I hope the participants enjoy this creativity. 

Nature has to come into the classroom as our weather is cold and rainy.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Remembering Carl

I have been spending the wee hours this morning with an assignment to write a "prose explosion."

The following is my response and now I am to develop this into a haiku, highlighting fragments and phrases. My word limit was 250 words and the submission is 267 words, but I don't want to cut anymore of this essay.

I will post my haiku after the teacher's response. This is a learning experience that has been quite an eye-opener for me. It is difficult to write an acceptable haiku - less is more with haiku!

Remembering Carl

It glistens by the front window as the slanted black surface reflects sunlight, pleasures and promises of artistic pursuits in the making. However, it’s not the same since I googled his name and the obituary flashed on my screen. Cause of death not mentioned. No charities nor memorials gave a hint.

The choice to take another piano lesson from him disintegrated with a few lines on the computer screen.

Our beginnings were in a smoke-filled small teaching room at the local university. As an adult learner I sought lessons in my new town of Houston, It was therapy for me. I did not realize the therapy would become a long-term friendship.

When I realized he was gay I was probably more comfortable with the relationship. His partner of forty years cemented his “marriage” and the potential for our relationship to be very platonic.

I was in a place where my sexual antennas would waver when a man, any man, paid attention to me.  

Once or twice during my divorce I chose to skip the lesson, pay him to drink coffee with me and just listen and empathize. Was his hourly rate more than a therapist? I didn’t care.

On every page of my stacks of music (current favorites - Chopin, Brahms, Khachaturian and lesser-known William Albright) are his fingerings, pedal markings, and scribbled dynamics from a ballpoint pen he shook to move the ink flow downward.

Now I can only relearn my previously checked-off accomplishments.

Perhaps someday, I will begin the challenge of new music with a new teacher in a new town.

Now I can only reminisce.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

My Response to Jane Hirshfield's Poem


It Was Like This: You Were Happy

by Jane Hirshfield

It was like this:
you were happy, then you were sad,
then happy again, then not.

It went on.
You were innocent or you were guilty.
Actions were taken, or not.

At times you spoke, at other times you were silent.
Mostly, it seems you were silent—what could you say?

Now it is almost over.

Like a lover, your life bends down and kisses your life.

It does this not in forgiveness—
between you, there is nothing to forgive—
but with the simple nod of a baker at the moment
he sees the bread is finished with transformation.

Eating, too, is a thing now only for others.

It doesn’t matter what they will make of you
or your days: they will be wrong,
they will miss the wrong woman, miss the wrong man,
all the stories they tell will be tales of their own invention.

Your story was this: you were happy, then you were sad,
you slept, you awakened.
Sometimes you ate roasted chestnuts, sometimes persimmons.


Jane Hirschfield

It was like this:

It doesn’t matter what they will make of you
or your days: they will be wrong, don't particularly desire to be mystical.

you choose transparency over the quizzical nature of

not knowing who you are or rather

whom you present yourself to be.

it is quite possible that not only will they

be wrong, but also you could be

wrong. you tamper with the possibility

that yes, you could allow someone somewhere with

advantages notice you. in the meantime,

it really doesn't matter what you make of you.

what matters is that you make yourself honest to

you, only you.

(inspired by Jane Hirshfield's "It Was Like This: You Were Happy)

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Best Part of Retirement


I shall begin a stream of consciousness writing this moment at the computer. What do I mean by that?

I have no topic, no outline, no destination for this post. I am truly writing from my thoughts this cloudy day. I guess you could say I am writing "from the hip."

I am home all day today. There is a small group meeting at the church later this afternoon, but I am not 100% on board for attending. It's just something more to get ready for - I'm taking the day "off" and working in the backyard. "Day off" from what you may ask? I want to take the day and not do anything that I feel I have to do. There will be some accomplishments, especially since it doesn't appear that the weather is going to be too warm to work outside this afternoon.

I am shutting down most online commitments and classes. I still post twice a week with Underground Railroad and am looking forward to a class with Maya Stein. That is going to be the extent of the next few months. I am teaching a memoir class at the senior center now and following it with a journaling class. I must do extensive preparations for the latter as this is the first time I have taught journaling. I want it to be thrilling for all the participants. How do I gauge "thrilling?" If I am excited about the assignments and preparations then hopefully that anticipation will flow into others. 

In the meantime, I am gathering my collection of journaling books and beginning to seek guidance for a good syllabus. I will share in this blog my plans and the creative efforts of the participants.

My music seems to have taken a back seat to backyard duties and to my writing and Bible Study. Daily practicing on the fiddle should resume asap. Piano playing should also be a more frequent activity. It's not lack of hours in the day. It is motivation and getting out of the recliner. Sometimes I think that my age is really "catching up with me." However, I won't admit that! 

I am praising the Lord for this day of rest and relaxation!

Yes! Praise the Lord for being alive!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Chasing Wildflowers

chasing wildflower seeds 

shopping soils checking calendars

effortless for Ma Nature

I am thoroughly enjoying writing three lines each early morning. The prompts are invigorating. This is a Maya Stein month-long class. Maya Stein

Today's prompt is effortful/effortless and I am obsessing about buying and planting wildflower seeds.

Yesterday the recently purchased small battery operated roto tiller revealed solid limestone a few inches below the surface of my backyard. A neighbor spoke of the previous owner and the many bags of soil she used to grow her sunflowers and zinnias. That might just be the solution.

Today after Bible Study I shall initiate my weekly tour of Lowe's to find the seeds and soil. According to the West Kerr local newspaper article I should be planting these seeds now.

Monday, September 25, 2023

a copacetic day

 a  copacetic day

the sequential list

monday morning 

housework on hold


beacons of strength

emanate as 

an elder man shuffles


comforts of aging

confronts one -

less concerns


sharing her empty plate

the dog laps

warm egg yolk


grasses nourished

last night’s storm

whet their appetites


Friday, September 22, 2023

Two Prompts Today

aquaponic gardening

fish fertilize my spinach

“It’s easy being green”

(inspired by (41) Sesame Street: It's Easy Being Green - YouTube)

Meanwhile it’s predawn and not even the stars are aware, awake, brightening my sky. I feel this part of the universe belongs only to me as I meander with thoughts of the upcoming day, write a haiku, study my spiritual awakening lesson and then the day begins.

Meanwhile I spend time reflecting, seriously reflecting as my life unfolds before me, totally my own doing. It won’t always be up to me, or will it? Will the days for the remaining decade or two be self-determined? Will the accomplishments or lack therein be of my design?

Meanwhile I think the dishwasher is now working. The top drawer has to be lifted up so it connects with the water intake in the rear. Really? The intake has to be clicked into?

Meanwhile my mind is thinking about Robert, the neighbor behind us up the hill that got so excited last night about his aquaponic gardening quest that I came in the house and googled the hobby.

Meanwhile my coffee is delicious.

The above prompts were "spinach" and "meanwhile" from two different online classes I subscribed to this month.

Tapestry Turmoil

Tapestry Turmoil and Solution Sought with Many Cliches! What to do?  What to say?  I am discouraged and dismayed that this weaving project i...